Chuyển đến nội dung chính

Máy nén khí trục vít Mitsui Seiki

i-14000 series Operation panel

Main features and functions

  • Thanks to the best matching of the inverter control and the IPM motor, the maximum energy saving is realized.
  • The fan motor is also controlled by the inverter, further improving the energy efficiency.
  • The new LCD monitor panel improves the operability and enriches the contents of monitoring. Versatile functions such as scheduled operation, data sampling are installed there.
  • The directly coupled driving of the compressor and the IPM motor eliminates kinetic loss, ensures the engagement of the compressor with main parts and improves the machining accuracy, thus realizing the efficiency which is much higher than conventional machines.
  • The newly developed oil-free compressor dedicatedly controlled by the inverter realizes the largest discharge air volume in its class. To realize the optimal inverter efficiency, the best matching effect is sought after for every motor output.
  • By supplying air only when needed and only for the volume needed by the inverter control, power is saved and unnecessary heat and noise are not generated.
Air cooled typeWater cooled type
i-14000 large size series Operation panel

Main features and functions

  • Thanks to the best matching of the inverter control and the IPM motor, the maximum energy saving is realized.
  • The fan motor is also controlled by the inverter, further improving the energy efficiency.
  • The new LCD monitor panel improves the operability and enriches the contents of monitoring. Versatile functions such as scheduled operation, data sampling are installed there.
  • The directly coupled driving of the compressor and the IPM motor eliminates kinetic loss, ensures the engagement of the compressor with main parts and improves the machining accuracy, thus realizing the efficiency which is much higher than conventional machines.
  • The newly developed oil-free compressor dedicatedly controlled by the inverter realizes the largest discharge air volume in its class. To realize the optimal inverter efficiency, the best matching effect is sought after for every motor output.
  • By supplying air only when needed and only for the volume needed by the inverter control, power is saved and unnecessary heat and noise are not generated.
  • Máy nén khí
Air cooled typeWater cooled type

u-14000 seriesOperation panel

It is modified to high efficiency!

High cooling efficiency!
An improvement of cooling efficiency was aimed by applying special processing (super slit fin) to the fin side of water cooler (Air cooling).
Surprising quietness!
Inverters for air-cooling fan motors are loaded as well. Capable of showing enegy saving power UP and the superior low noise property.
Adopted alternative Freon!
Adopted environment correspondence alternative Freon R-407C of ozone depletion coefficient 0 in freezing-type dryer.
Liquid crystal monitor is standard equipment!
Liquid crystal monitor-style IT touch panel is supplied standard. Smooth driving control is enabled in various deployment functions.
Air cooled typeWater cooled type

Powerful ability to comply with environmental requirements.
Water lubrication system gets rid of water filters only. Since oil is not used, the drain is just water.
Direct-couple driving of the motor and the compressor ensures zero transmission loss.
The efficient operation achieves the largest discharge air volume in its class.
Optimum for environment preservation
The water circulation reduces the heat generation to 50% or less of that of conventional machines. Oil is not drained at all.
Air cooled typeWater cooled type

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