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Technical service air compressor

About Us is your Comprehensive Compressed Air Systems Solution.

We provide customers the resources they need to build and maintain their compressed air systems with confidence. Components from large-scale blower-purge desiccant air dryers to small refrigerated air dryers, filters, drain valves, desiccant, compressor oil, compressor parts, and any other aftermarket air compressor accessories are available to purchase online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We are committed to fulfilling all your compressor needs and solving any technical problems you may encounter with your air compressor. Our exceptional products and vast knowledge of personal and commercial compressor systems makes us the #1 choice for our customers.
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The Right Air Compressor Equipment, the First Time Around.

At THIBIVI we are working hard to make sure you find exactly what you need the first time around. We are constantly adding new qualified resources to offer you the widest selection; we manufacture and distribute only new air compressor equipment, parts and accessories. This allows us to keep thousands in stock, offering you the fastest shipping, most competitive price, and the quality assurance you need to keep your compressed air system running efficiently.


All the Right Components, in One Trusted Source.
THIBIVI combines the local and technical support benefits of traditional distribution with the cost and time savings of E-commerce. adds value to every transaction in three ways:

1. THIBIVI lets you compare manufacturers and products quickly and make informed choices while buying multiple products online through our secure (SSL) checkout system.

2. Distribution delivers online technical application engineering, technical information and local support to keep your compressor system running efficiently.

3. has a balanced selection of manufacturers so you can reduce the time-consuming research it used to take to find the right products, systems or applications that you need.

Nearly all of our equipment come with a warranty that matches or exceeds the OEM warranty. Users around the world have discovered that understands and responds to their individual air compressor needs. Our distribution facilities are always well stocked and our dedicated staff is ready to help you.

THIBIVI was created in 2010 who has been in the compressed air industry for over 10 years. They knew the struggle it was for companies to find a comprehensive source for all of their compressed air system needs. Knowing there was a need for customers to have a reliable and knowledge compressed air provider 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Parts Services International launched thibivicom in 2009. This allowed their customers to conveniently order online compressed air parts, equipments, systems, or other applications with confidence, without losing the quality customer service they had with Parts Services International.

Since then we have been partnering with top manufacturers to provide our customers with the most reliable and widest-selection for compressed air systems, all available online for your convenience. THIBIVI have been manufacturing and distributing air compressor replacement parts and compressed air systems accessories for over 10 years.

Search by manufacturer or part number and find exactly the equipment your compressed air system needs with confidence. Our experienced customer service team is trained in quality assurance and our order fulfillment process assures that each order is checked by a trained representative to make sure you are getting the right parts, the first time around. is an independent supplier of compressor replacement parts and is not affiliated with manufacturers mentioned in this web site. Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) names are the trademarks of each manufacturer. On products marked "equivalent" or "replacement," OEM names and part numbers are for reference only

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