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Gardner Denver compressor ESM,VS 23-29-22to30 kW

Rotary Screw 50 Hz Compressor Packages

Fixed Speed ESM, Variable Speed VS 23-29 Series (22 - 30 kW)

Completed and enhanced offering between 22kW and 30kW 
Developed in direct response to market requirements, the new ESM/VS 23-29 compressors introduce a number of new compressor sizes to the Gardner Denver range.  This means that customers can now select the optimum compressor size for their application, improving installation efficiency and thereby reducing energy consumption and cost of ownership.

Design Advantages
Premium efficiency air end
The high output compression element with slow rotational speed reduces energy costs.
In addition to this, the innovative design of the integrated oil filter and oil regulation valve ensures external hoses are reduced to a minimum to guarantee the highest levels of quality and reliability are achieved.

Energy saving electric motor
The compressors are equipped with an energy saving high efficiency electric motor which reduces CO2 emissions.

GD Pilot control system for reliability and simplicity of operation.
The advanced control system ensures reliable operation and protects your investment by continuously monitoring the operational parameters. The “GD PILOT” controller also has the capability to have programmable inputs and outputs, control additional equipment as well as providing the following features with a clear readable text.

Fixed Speed ESM, Variable Speed VS 23-29 Series (22 - 30 kW) Controller

The VS variable speed compressor - one smart solution
Variable speed compressors can efficiently and reliably handle the varying air demand found in most plant air systems. These compressors speed up and slow down to match air supply to air demand as it fluctuates. The right variable speed compressor for the application delivers significant energy savings and a stable consistent air supply.

Small installation footprint & integrated dryer concept
All models ESM/VS 23-29 are available with an integrated dryer . This option comes complete with a dryer and water separator, both fitted with zero loss drains, to eliminate expensive air loss and maximise energy efficiency.

The synthetic efficiency advantage with Gardner Denver AEON™ 9000 SP lubricant as a standard.
A unique synthetic lubricant designed specifically to maximise compressor efficiency and provide optimum lubricity. A proven track record of service-life up to 6,000 hours in the most rugged operating environments.

The VS compressor is an efficient and versatile solution even for the most demanding industrial applications and carries all of the Gardner Denver features and benefits associated with reliable, easy to use operations and high efficiency.

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