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Gardner Denver Oil Free 15 - 37 kW

OIL-FREE EnviroAire 15-37 Series (15 - 37 kW), VS 15-110 series (15 - 110kW)

Oil Free Rotary Screw 50 & 60 Hz Compressor Packages

If 100% clean and oil-free compressed air is a requirement for your industry, you cannot compromise on quality. The EnviroAire from GD sets the standards for air purity.
These water-injected screw compressors are available in water-cooled and air-cooled versions and are ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 certified. Offering not only 100% pure oil-free air but also improved energy efficiency, these compressors are made to meet the precise needs of a diverse range of industries.


OIL-FREE Technical Data

Design Advantages

Don’t compromise on quality…
  EnviroAire 15-110 Series
Advanced totally oil-free technology
If 100% clean and oil-free compressed air is a requirement for your industry, you cannot compromise on quality.
The EnviroAire from GD sets the standards for air purity. These water-injected screw compressors are available in water-cooled and air-cooled versions and are ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 certified. Offering not only 100% pure oil-free air but also improved energy efficiency, these compressors are made to meet the precise needs of a diverse range of industries.
For many industries such as food & beverages, pharmaceuticals and electronics, air purity is a critical factor where even the smallest drop of oil risks contamination that can have severe consequences.
Silicone free
Silicone contamination in compressed air systems will cause problems across a wide range of industries, not least of all the Automotive industry where a high quality finish is essential. Blisters, cracking, craters and a loss of adhesion are all symptoms of silicone contamination and will result in costly product spoilage and re-working in addition to production downtime.
The ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 certified EnviroAire compressors from GD offer the following benefits:
  • 100% silicone-free, guaranteed
  • Specifically designed for use in pure-air critical applications such as the automotive industry
  • Removes contaminations such as dirt and water to the highest standards (ISO 8573-1)
  • Independently tested
Fully integrated silenced package
OIL-FREE Hard Facts

All components are mounted on a free standing steel base and contained within an acoustically insulated steeI enclosure. The compression element and drive motor assembly are mounted on fIexible mountings that minimise transmitted vibration and noise. As a resuIt, the unit can stand on the floor with no fixings required. Low cost and easy installation is ensured.

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